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ICGT Diploma Level in Precision Crystal Therapy

Next dates to be confirmed 

at the Holistic Coach House, 
3 Gargrave Road, 
Broughton, Skipton, BD23 3AQ 


Learn crystal healing with the Holistic Coach house- an accredited ICGT course by Sue and Simon Lilly
Crystal cave

The dates of this course include: 

September 21st, 2024; October 19th, 2024; November 16th, 2024; December 14th, 2024; January 18th, 2024. 

Sessions run from 10:15 AM- 4:30PM. 




Jilly Edmundson is a tutor for the Institute of Crystal and Gem Therapists (ICGT), of Sue and Simon Lilly, and delivers training for this diploma level course.


ICGT was a founder member of the Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisation (ACHO) and the Crystal Therapy Council (CTC). For more information on ICGT, please follow this link


This crystal diploma course will be held at the Holistic Coach House, 3 Gargrave Road, Broughton, Skipton, BD23 3AQ. The pre- requisite for this course is successful completion of the ICGT certificate course. The following provides an overview of the course content: 


As this is a continuation form the ICGT certificate level, the module numbers start at 6. 


6. Working with Colour & Crystals
Theories of colour, impact of colour on the body systems, colour coding in crystals, assessment using colour. Muscle-testing

7. Crystal Doorways (Nets)
Theory and methodology in the use of nets, development of personal nets.

8. Dealing with The Spine
Specialised techniques for dealing with the back and spine.


9. Dealing with Emotional Stress

Specialised techniques for dealing with emotional stress


10. Integration and Personal Goals

Specialised techniques for integrating energy and dealing with personal goals


11.Words & Crystals

Looking at beliefs and aligning them with crystals


12. Pendulums as Healing Tools

Pendulum healing techniques


13. Absent Healing

More on absent healing

14. Gem Essences
What they are, how they work, how they are made, other types of essences, guidelines for use, legalities.

15. Working with Solar System Energies
Basic astrological terms, identification and links to crystals, using personal astrological information as a key to crystal healing.

16. Private Research/Thesis
Students are encouraged to focus on area(s) that they find particularly stimulating and to undertake a research project that can be presented as a report.


Cost of the course: £500



Please visit Sue and Simon Lilly's ICGT site, where you can find a list of further courses, including e-learning. 


You can call the Holistic Coach House, or  complete the contact form, with your inquiries. 








For ICGT certificate course 

You can visit MSC courses by Sue and Simon Lilly

Sunstone Crystal Healing also provides the ICGT certificate course on behalf of MSC 

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